Still an ongoing battle to see what I can do to lower the tent down a few degrees. I’m poking up to 81-82F and I’d like to keep it under 80F. I stopped the tent from leaking by taking down the “passive” exhaust hole I have from full 4″ opening to about 2″. I also improved the incoming fresh air by taking the thin filter I use on front end and moving it to back end, for some reason this fan performs better that way. I tried a make shift Styrofoam swamp cooler but the easiest solution right now is I put one of the ice packs I had on hand on the bottom shelf in the tent. I put the inside $ Walmart fan underneath that shelf and circulate air 5 min every 30 min. I usually put a fresh pack at 11am and that is enough to drop it from 80f to 74f-76f during the hottest part of the day. Will adjust as I go along.